The People's

A Sovereign Union of Individuals

We are a Decentralized Economic Union consisting of several individual distinct parts interacting together to form a truly independent and self-sustaining borderless economic system distributing governance to localized communities rather than solely in a centralized power.

About Us
Learn more about
Becoming a Citizen
Freelance Nomads
For Independent people seeking a place to expand their minds and their passions
Creators & Engineers
For people who feel at home in imaginary wonderlands and visions of the future.
Investors & Financiers
For the wealthy looking to support a future of individual freedom and social humanitarianism.
Social Organizations
For organizations needing capital to support the well being of the common individual.
/ Case studies

Découvrez les projets qui illustrent nos parti-pris stratégiques et créatifs.

+ de réalisations
+ de réalisations
A true People led Democracy

The Foundations of our Future

Focused on setting standards and providing foundations rather than creating ceilings and strict regulations while establishing lasting change by crafting a system where people are free to discover their passions instead of fighting day to day to survive.

Building an Economy
using Decentralized Finance

We are crafting an economic system that is simple and transparent that easily gives the people access to the information and tools necessary for wealth creation

Digital Real Estate
with Augmented Reality

Preparing for a new future by tokenizing real world assets that we can combine and augment to interface with the digital world and change the way we operate on a daily

A Modular System of Independent Communities

Humans will naturally form groups for common interests and we are building a system that allows communities to retain independence and foster collaboration

Interconnected Localized Free Markets & Exchanges

Allowing for markets to be free and easily connected gives the people freedom of choice and more options when it comes to handling various transactions

Donate to our Treasury

And Earn Unique Rewards
Giving Control to the Individual

A Tokenized Modular Economy

Tokenization instead of Securitization puts control of markets in the hands of individuals, allowing independent people and communities to seamlessly connect and gain liquidity, crafting systems that are naturally self-sustaining, transparent and controlled by the very people who are directly affected by them


All tokens start as an Initial Exchange Offering with a unique Weighted Actuarial Token Disbursement Model & Automated Market Making Systems

Open Sourced Systems

In order to create a truly transparent system we have to allow for information to be available for anybody who is willing to read and take the time to improve upon it

Financial Blockchain

A proper financial stack will allow for a fully effective streamlined modular system with secured deposits, fast transactions and an open communication of available resources

Token Valuation

In order to get proper, fair and stable valuations for tokenized assets we allow for public markets to demonstrate their need or want any particular asset offered publicly
Supporting you so you can Support Others

Benefits of our Citizenship

We've built this process to be easy-to-use and hassle free

A Global Borderless Union

Participate online from anywhere in the world, Move around and travel abroad while easily managing your affairs remotely without the hassle of paperwork.

Access to Business Support

Sign, authenticate, encrypt and send all documents digitally to access grants, growth capital and more offered by The Common Council of Representatives.

Run your Business Remotely

Create a Decentralized Organization to take your business completely online and receive support from citizens, financiers and more in The CommonWealth.

Join a Growing community

Network with other citizens, Connect with service providers in a growing marketplace and Discover new ways to increase your wealth

People are the Heart of any Union
How to Become a Citizen

We've built this process to be easy-to-use and hassle free


The Common DAO is the On-Chain governance entity for the entire CommonWealth maintaining a record of all Actions, Expenditures, Motions and Disputes as well as the Mintinting and Continous Auctioning of our Token to Registered Citizens.


The Common Portal is the main starting/entry point into The Common Ecosystem - this is where members can submit new Motions and Disputes, browse the Public Directory along with finding available bounties and managing Account Information.

Register FOR Your COMMON Id card.

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Apply For The Common Stipend.

Every citizen of The Commonwealth is currently entitled to receive a quarterly distribution of our Native Token and Medium of Exchange named The Common Credit ($CWT) -exchangeable for USDC, DAI, ETH & BTC as well as a growing ecosystem of products, services, tokens and other assets.


Businesses wishing to participate in The Common Economy need to be Charted by The Common Council and confirmed by the Citizens - in order to qualify for a Charter the applicant must be a Registered Citizen and be able to pay Fees in $CWT.